Dispatch / Delivery
As a rule, delivery takes 14 working days. Any deviating delivery times are indicated on the appropriate product page.If the product ordered cannot be delivered on time, we will inform you immediately. In such cases, you have the option of waiting for the product to be delivered or cancelling your order. In the event of cancellation, any payments which may have been made in advance will be reimbursed immediately.
Prices and Delivery Charges
The prices listed on our product pages include statutory VAT and other price components. In addition to the prices indicated, we also levy a flat rate charge of €9.80 per package and per order with a value below €350 for delivery inside Germany. Orders exceeding €350 are delivered free to the customer’s address or free to the German border. For deliveries abroad, different costs apply. Customers should therefore inquire about these costs as they must be calculated separately in each individual case. Due to favourably negotiated conditions with a package delivery service, our delivery costs, including “Duales System”* fees, amount to only €9.80 per package of up to 29.0 kilos. For mixed orders, we always attempt to package the goods in such a way that the 31.5 kilo limit is fully utilized. For example: 3.000 units of art. 20 = 170 x 170mm + 2.000 items of art. 10/3 = 120 x 120mm + 2.000 items of art. 10 = 100 x 100mm + 1.000 items art. 14/12 = 140 x 140mm. Overall weight: approx. 31.1 kg = 1 package. This, however, is not always possible if formats do not fit together favourably. Example: 250 items of art. 100/4 = 520 x 550mm + 5.000 items of art. 10/31 = 52 x 310mm. Overall weight: approx. 30.4 kg but nevertheless two packages.
For deliveries worth €350,-- upwards, standard packages are delivered free.
* the name for Germany’s materials recycling programme